We are now almost two weeks into the month of Iyar. It is crazy how fast, and yet slow, time is going right now.
The month of Iyar has many themes and focuses (foci?) that weave and intertwine quite beautifully.
God’s calendar never ceases to amaze me. Not only is each month so rich, but the months work hand-in-hand with each other. For example, Iyar is preceded by Nisan, which is a month of praise and passing over. Iyar itself is a month full of transition and healing, which is then followed by Sivan, a month of Pentecost, or fullness.
We each have our Nisan-Iyar-Sivan testimonies in our own life. Those testimonies that we speak to where God has brought us out of a dark place into a time of difficult but needed transition and then to a place of knowing Him in more fullness than ever before.
That transition place is Iyar…
The Understanding
Iyar is the second month of the twelve months. Historically, the nation of Israel has just crossed over and is free from Egypt. They are headed to Mt. Sinai.
You have to remember the Israelites were really more familiar with Egyptian gods than with Yahweh, their God. The month of Iyar is the month of understanding secrets. As Israel travelled toward Mt. Sinai, they faced situations that gave opportunities for God to show his people who he was to them.
At the bitter waters, He showed them the secret of who he was as Yahweh Rapha – I AM the LORD, who heals you. (Ex.15:26)
When they grumbled for food, He showed them the secret of who he was as Yahweh Jaira – I AM the LORD, who provides. (Ex.16:12)
Then, in Exodus 17, Israel was attacked by the Amalekites. He showed them yet another covenant secret of who he was as Yahweh Nissi – I AM the LORD, your banner .
Iyar is a month that Yahweh desires to reveal covenant secrets to us. He desires to not only remind us of who he is to us, but also show us new characteristics that we have not known.
This is where true inner healing comes from – knowing God, and aligning ourselves with that truth.
The Constellation
Taurus, the bull, is the constellation over Jerusalem for this month. The constellation of the bull has two main star cluster: The Pleiades (a grouping of 7 stars), and the Hyades, as well as its brightest star Aldebaran.
One way we begin to understand the original meanings of the constellations is to know the meanings of the words themselves:
– Hebrew word for bull is shur meaning “to return”
– the Pleiades in Hebrew means “the gathering”, while in Greek means “the many”
– the Hyades means “congregated”
– Aldebaran means “to follow” or “the follower”
When we look at the meanings of these words and we partner it with the passage in Revelation where Christ holds the seven stars in his hands. We can see that this constellation tells the story of Jesus and his Church.
We are the gathering, congregated many who follow the one who will return. What a beautiful picture of the Church and an encouragement to continue forward, running our race.
What an appropriate constellation for Iyar. We are in our transition from Jesus having been on earth to returning once again. We are walking from what was known while Christ was on earth, to the time when he will return in his fullness.
The Alphabet
The month of Iyar is associated with the Hebrew letter Vav, which pictures connection, and linking. The letter itself looks like a tent peg used to secure their coverings to the earth.
We have already seen how Iyar is a connecting month. Iyar stands in the middle, connecting Passover to Pentecost – in essence connecting Deliverance to Fullness. The letter of Vav shows that connection.
The Vav also represents how we connect heaven to earth, as we pray Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May we pray and make way the path for heaven to be manifest on earth.
The Tribe
Issachar is the tribe linked with the month of Iyar. This tribe had an amazing anointing to know and understand the times and seasons of God. In other words, they were very in tune with God’s timing.
Many times in life, we hear something from God and assume we need to get right on it and accomplish it. However, we need to stop and ask the Lord when he wants that thing to happen.
Sometimes we can move ahead or lag behind God. When we are operating under the anointing of the Issachar tribe, we will know the exact timing and place to accomplish the things of God.
The Image
In His profound generosity, the Lord has annointed me to create an image that represents the flavor (or an aspect of the flavor) for each Hebraic month. He has also given me beautiful words to stand alongside each picture. The following represents the month of Iyar:
God desires us to be healthy, whole, and free from bondage. His desire is for our whole well-being, both outward and inward. This picture depicts His divine knowledge of times and seasons. It also shows His central theme of making us whole by providing His light and life into the deepest part of who we are, healing our inevitable wounds from living in a fallen world.
The day and night shown together represents God’s times and seasons – His timing in the earth and in our lives.
The medical tent represents our need for healing and the healing that is offered to us through the work and love of Jesus.
The lighted doorway represents our inner healing. Our Father is interested not only in the miraculous healing of our physical bodies, but also desires for us to receive our inner healing as well.
The water at the bottom represents His mighty flow of healing, making us clean. Sometimes it is a soft rain (on the left), and sometimes it feels like a mighty rushing river of healing (on the right). We get to trust in His divine love and timing for us in our journey of healing.
Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. – Jeremiah 17:14, NIV
So, Iyar is a rich month and can also be a difficult month. It is a month full of transition, remembering who our God is to us, and letting his light fill us with healing.
It is a month to practice operating in the timing of God and letting His radiance shine on us.
In this month of Iyar, may you be filled with renewed knowledge and intimacy with our God, resulting in a fresh inner healing that manifests in your daily life.
Blessings and Shalom